Ways to Stay Motivated During the End of the Year
The year is coming to an end, and maybe you’ve hit a slump… Perhaps, you’ve already achieved the goals you set for yourself this year and feel like just coastin’ on through the remaining 44 days of 2022. OR, it could be just the opposite, you’ve missed the mark and don’t have the energy (nor interest) to step it up for completion of your goals!
I, myself, seem to be experiencing a blend of both mindsets. While I’ve hit most of the targets I set for myself in 2022, there is a pull for me to just ‘chill out’ and relax until January… and that is quite unusual for me. Maybe it’s because this year has been so FULL of activities with my high schooler, my middle schooler, my business, my Girl Scout troop, family experiences, and navigating my own changing health as I get older! And actually, that last item should be enough for me to realize I mustn’t stop but instead keep right on going! Time waits for no man, so if we want to live our best (and healthiest!) lives, we had better stay focused on the tasks at hand!
Let’s jump right in on ways we can make this happen and end our year feeling victorious!!
Acknowledge your successes:
One of the mistakes or missteps we often make is not acknowledging how far we’ve come or just how much we’ve accomplished. Let’s take the time to do that this year. Grab your phone, or pen and paper, and write down just how awesome you are! Really, do this! This activity alone can be a refreshing review of your accomplishments over the past year and serve as a reminder that you are capable. What’s a few more days in the year? Well, nothing but an excellent opportunity to wow your family, your boss, your clients, your peers, and even yourself!
Prioritize your responsibilities and tasks:
After you’ve taken inventory of your accomplishments, make time to prioritize what is left to be done. Prioritizing doesn’t mean that you have to absolutely finish all of your tasks, but instead, it means that you will order them in degrees of importance and necessity. Believe me, I know that some of our responsibilities and tasks are non-negotiables. I am also aware that sometimes we take on more than necessary, because we feel that we cannot say “no” or “not at this time”. If they aren’t already, those two responses are must-haves for our own peace of mind and sanity.
Once you’ve prioritized what will NEED to be done by the end of the year, set a plan in place to reasonably complete those items. Think about the big picture, but also break it down into a manageable, working, adjustable list. The key here is that your list remains a working list, as we know our lives change daily with unexpected interruptions…whether they be pleasant or not-so-pleasant interruptions! :)
Keep moving your body:
Oh my, now as a Personal Trainer, you already know how important this particular focus is to me! According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (the organization that sets the recommendation for how much physical activity we need to be healthy), “adults need at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking or fast dancing, each week. Adults also need muscle-strengthening activity, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, at least 2 days each week”.
And remember, while I would love to have you as my own client, you do not have to seek out a gym, personal trainer, or group fitness classes to get your exercise. Make a commitment to just start moving or move more! Your movement could be as simple as a walk around your neighborhood, taking the stairs when possible, or even parking your car farther from the store when doing your shopping. Keeping focus on physical activity will not only benefit your health, but it can also give you a great release from your daily routine and even all of the busy-ness and (often) stress we can face during this time of the year.
Allow yourself rest & care:
Y’all! The end of the year, and all of its potential for gatherings with family, friends, food, and drinks can be very fulfilling; however, it can also add to your list of responsibilities and tasks! So, we’ve got to allow ourselves to get adequate rest, while still getting care and finding enjoyment in that care. The amount of sleep that we need is truly individual, but www.sleepfoundation.org recommends 7-9 hours for adults aged 26-64. I have found my sweet sleep spot to be between 6.5-7 hours. I know that it sounds very specific, but I’ve worked very hard to determine that time frame! :) It makes a world of difference each morning when I’ve gotten the right amount of sleep for my body and mind.
When it comes to caring for yourself in an enjoyable manner, those specifics are up to you as well. However, I recommend choosing activities that are simple but bring you great joy. Think of things like catching up on a good book or new music, finding a great new candle, enjoying a new recipe, or even just a long shower or bath. Personally, when I engage in care-filled, joyful acts for myself, I wish to be alone, but you may prefer to find ways to spend time with a spouse, best friend, or any other person special to you.
Reward yourself:
Finally, consider rewarding yourself at the end of this year! This doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive…. then again, if you can do that, why not?! :) Only you know what may feel like a reward for you making a plan, sticking to it, and finishing out the year strong!!!